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Metro Supply Chain Group acquires ClearDestination

ClearDestination recently announced that Metro Supply Chain Group, the largest logistical solutions provider in North America, completed its acquisition of the company for an undisclosed amount.

Clear Destination will continue to operate independently to deliver its cutting-edge logistics solutions to manufacturers, carriers and retailers across both Canada and the US. However, the two businesses will work closely together to help customers in the big and bulky category to optimize product deliveries to consumers throughout their multi-faceted supply chain networks.

Metro Supply Chain Group’s partnership with ClearDestination has already assisted many major household brands, such as Costco Wholesale, Ikea, Lowes and Whirlpool, to extend their delivery reach across Canada.

ClearDestination looks forward to a very bright future with Metro Supply Chain Group. Stay tuned for more exciting news soon!


ClearDestination announces Microsoft Power BI integration

ClearDestination announces Microsoft Power BI integration

In an effort to provide end-to-end visibility across entire logistics chains, ClearDestination is thrilled to announce that its manufacturer, carrier and retailer customers can now benefit from advanced data visibility and analyses powered by Microsoft Power BI. Power BI gives business and logistics teams the ability to easily visualize real-time data regarding first-, mid- and last-mile deliveries to make better decisions that can improve operational efficiency and reduce costs.

Thanks to Power BI, logistics teams can also limit the number of touchpoints, increase consolidation, optimize routes, and eliminate non-value-added miles, all of which contribute to offering a stellar, on-time delivery service for customers.

Interested in learning more about ClearDestination’s elevated capabilities with Power BI? Schedule a demo today!

Season’s Greetings | Joyeuses fêtes

Season’s Greetings | Joyeuses fêtes

Season’s Greetings from #TeamClearD!

May this festive time of year be filled with happiness with your loved ones. And may the new year brim with opportunity and prosperity no matter what your destination will be.

Happy Holidays

The ClearDestination family

Joyeuses fêtes de #TeamClearD! 

Que cette période festive de l’année soit remplie de bonheur avec vos proches. Et que la nouvelle année déborde d’opportunités et de prospérité quelle que soit votre destination. 

Joyeuses fêtes 

La famille ClearDestination

Everything You Need to Know About the Route Planning Tool

Everything You Need to Know About the Route Planning Tool

Are you trying to find the most efficient routes? Are you looking to cut your driving time down? Do you want to save money on gas?

If so, you’ve come to the right place.

We’re going to talk about an artificial intelligence tool that will help you do all of those things and more. It’s called a route planning tool, and drivers everywhere love it.

A route planning tool can help your drivers track their delivery route, manage their fuel costs, track customer alerts, and more.

To learn more about our route planning tool and how it can help you, keep reading.

Benefits to Investing in Our Route Planning Tool

No matter how skilled you are, everyone gets lost now and again. Whether it’s because of a road closure or a confusing direction, route planning isn’t easy.

However, with its advanced artificial intelligence, our route planner can help you and your drivers navigate the roads like a pro. Let’s get into the details.

Get Real-Time Updates

When your drivers are heading to their destination, there could be a change in road conditions that affect their route. Whether it’s a crash or a change in weather, our system can detect and report it.

This means that your drivers can get updates about their route without having to pull over and map out a new course. Our automated system accounts for these changes and gives your drivers a new, faster route where applicable.

By investing in route planning software, you’re making the job easier on your drivers while improving drive time.

Deliver On-Time Every Time

If you’re experiencing problems with delivering things on time, a route planning tool is exactly what you need. Whether you’re late on deliveries because you’ve got the wrong routes or the wrong time, a route planning tool can help.

By finding the best routes, anticipating changes, and understanding day-to-day traffic patterns, our artificial intelligence can help you make sure that you’re staying on track with everything that you and your drivers need to get delivered throughout the day.

Reduce Greenhouse Emissions

Greenhouse emissions are harmful to the planet and – in turn – they’re harmful to humans. If your company is looking to meet environmental regulations and show its customers that you care about the planet, having a route planning tool is a great way to do it.

Our route planning tool finds the fastest ways to get to your destinations. This means that your vehicles are going to be on the road less. In turn, they will release fewer gases like carbon dioxide into the air.

Making green, planet-consciousness choices like this will help you make a good reputation for your business. Plus, it’s a great selling point for clients who are also trying to do what’s best for the planet.

Decrease Spending on Fuel

Gas has been getting more and more expensive over time.

If you’re looking to save gas and reduce your fuel costs, route planning is the answer. By planning out your routes strategically, you can make sure that you’re not unnecessarily using fuel.

Our route planning tool keeps fuel efficiency in mind as we’re finding the best options for you and your drivers. By using our tool, you’ll see your fuel costs down.

In fact, the amount of money that you save on fuel is likely to make up for the cost that you’d spend on delivery software.

Then, you can reallocate that money elsewhere in your budget. We’re sure that there’s something that you’d love to spend the extra money on.

Reduce Back-and-Forth

Delivery personnel usually have to be in constant communication with route planners, coordinators, and other drivers. Whether there’s a storm coming in or a new traffic event that is causing a change in traffic, the drivers are constantly being reminded and rerouted.

However, with route planning software, it’s different. Drivers don’t have to spend all of their time communicating back and forth with delivery personnel.

The software handles all of the communication and makes all of the potential changes needed for the driver along the way. Your drivers don’t have to worry about making the changes themselves.

By reducing communication and streamlining changes, you’re going to make your drivers’ jobs easier. They don’t have to spend precious driving time pulled over talking about traffic.

In fact, reducing communication may actually be able to reduce traffic accidents, too. Many drivers may take calls while they’re driving. By reducing the number of calls they have, you’re going to reduce the likelihood that they’re distracted while driving.

Maximize Deliveries

Our route planning software can help you maximize nearby clients’ products in the same vehicle. If you have two clients near one another, you should take advantage of this fact and ship their products in the same truck.

This saves gas and time. Plus, it makes the driver’s job easier.

In turn, who really wants to take the time to map every single client out and decide what trucks need to carry? We’ll tell you: route planning software.

Our advanced system can help you determine the most efficient way to organize all of your clients’ products. By using location and traffic patterns, we can reduce the amount of distance that your trucks are traveling. Plus, this will decrease the number of stops that the trucks need to make.

The Best Route Planning Tool

If you’re looking for a route planning tool that does all of these things and more, look no further than our tool, Clear Destination.

Talk to a route planning expert today to get your free discovery call. This free demo will let us figure out how we can help you. The sooner you call, the sooner we can get you set up with your very own route planning tool.

Our route planning tool was made with artificial intelligence that can help your drivers complete their job faster and better. Whether you’re looking to impress clients or make your job easier, our system is the way to do it.

Last Mile Delivery: What You Need to Know

Last Mile Delivery: What You Need to Know

Businesses understand they have to be able to ship products on time if they’re to survive in this digital world. Why then do so many still underestimate the import of last mile delivery?

We suspect it’s because many aren’t quite familiar with the term. Today we’ll detail what “last mile delivery” means, why it’s important, and offer some solutions if you think your current methods are lacking.

How Does Last Mile Delivery Work?

You likely already know that shipping something doesn’t mean it goes straight from your mailbox to your customer. It goes from the delivery truck or post office to a warehouse (sometimes multiple), and only later does it get sent from a warehouse to the person the package is intended for.

That last stretch of the delivery is the “last mile delivery.” It is when the package is ready to go from the final facility processing and storing it to a customer’s address. (Also, to clarify, it doesn’t literally mean the last mile of the delivery process but rather the “final stretch.”)

Many would argue it’s the most important part of the delivery process, as there is no room for error. Delays or damages at this stage almost guarantee the package will be late. Moreover, more than 1 in 10 customers are estimated to never return to a business that fails to deliver their package on time!

What Is a Last Mile Delivery Company?

While traditional delivery companies (and the USPS) don’t always ignore the last mile, it also isn’t their focus. This is where last mile delivery companies excel.

Last mile delivery companies put an emphasis on perfecting that last part of the delivery process. This helps to tighten up logistical inefficiency and better ensure the customer gets a product on time and undamaged.

It’s also worth noting that this doesn’t mean ignoring the other parts of the delivery process. After all, it doesn’t make sense to ignore some links in a supply chain to perfect the last one. What niches of the delivery chain a given last mile delivery company can also operate in depends on the company in question.

What Is the Last Mile Problem in Logistics?

Last mile delivery services help solve what could be called “the last mile problem” that many companies face.

The fact is, most delivery services aren’t very transparent. It can be difficult to tell what’s happening to your packages and thus hard to catch inefficiencies. Moreover, all problems with deliveries can compound at the last mile unless caught early, where there is no longer time to fix them.

This is part of why many experts view it as a mistake for most companies to promise same-day delivery. It causes so much strain on the average logistical chain that it becomes a promise that may be impossible (or quite expensive) to keep to. Correcting for error becomes almost impossible unless your logistical chain is near perfect.

The last mile problem requires a multi-step solution. Whatever delivery company you go with needs to be transparent, honest, and efficient to help you achieve your delivery needs (and to quickly outline obstacles in your way). 

What Is Last Mile Delivery Software?

Last mile delivery software is, as the name implies, software meant to increase the efficiency of last mile delivery. Depending on how robust the software is, it may be able to pool large amounts of useful data on your current processes and help you improve your delivery model.

This all brings us to the last mile delivery solutions that ClearDestination can offer your company. Put simply, ClearDestination has developed cutting-edge logistics solutions that combine operational research, artificial intelligence, machine learning, dispatch automation, advanced algorithms, and location-based technologies to automatically plan the entire delivery process.

That may sound like a big promise (and it is). However, pun not intended, ClearDestination delivers. On top of that, the technology is multimodal and can support the movement of any type of goods.

If you’re curious about this technology and how it may help you, contact us. Not only can any questions be answered, but there is a free demo available! There is no need to take big promises at face value; you can see for yourself.

Our model is essentially crowdsourced, with our technology able to improve as we gather more data from more and more clients. It works fantastic now but that means it will only allow for greater efficiency and cost reduction in the future!

How Can I Reduce My Last Mile Delivery Charge?

Reducing your last mile costs is often a multi-faceted effort. This is because efficiency in one part of the delivery process often translates to the entire process being easier and able to handle more pressure without the need to rush. (Rushing not only increases costs but risks your company damaging or losing goods.)

Every part of the delivery process should be examined when looking to improve efficiency, including:

  • Purchase
  • Delivery/pick-up
  • Pre-delivery
  • Delivery
  • Post-delivery
  • Billing & reporting

Put another way, delivery is about time. Saving time in one part of the process means more care can be put into another. Combined with a good last mile delivery company or robust software to help you further, time saving may be just what you need to help reduce costs.

If you believe you’re overpaying on your last mile delivery specifically, ClearDestination can help. Not only can we help make sure you’re paying competitive rates, but we can also help make sure things are running efficiently. Both these facts together translate to big savings for our clients.

This is all in addition to the aspects of our model meant to address last mile delivery directly. Wherever time and money are being wasted in your delivery process, we can help.

Consider ClearDestination For Your Logistical Needs

ClearDestination can help companies with the entire purchase and delivery process. From the moment the customer adds an item to their cart to billing & reporting, we have the technology to simplify the process. This includes helping make last mile delivery more efficient and data-driven.

With expert staff always trying to grow and innovate, and a free demo available, there is no downside to contacting us today to see why we believe in our logistical solutions. If you’re not yet sure, explore our site and see what else we can offer you!

Ecommerce Shipping: 5 Reasons You Should Consider Delivery Management Software

Ecommerce Shipping: 5 Reasons You Should Consider Delivery Management Software

According to a recent study, 13% of customers won’t order from the same retailer if their delivery is late. While this may not sound like much, it adds up! You’re losing customers, and these consumers may tell their friends and family or share their experience on social media, which could hurt your brand.

One common reason for late deliveries is an inefficient eCommerce shipping method.

Are you still manually scheduling deliveries? If so, you need to switch to delivery management software. Here are five crucial reasons why.

1. The Customer Experience

You want to offer your customers the ultimate delivery experience, and shipping plays a huge role.

Our software tracks and links each part of the delivery chain process, making it easier for businesses of all types and sizes. As a result, the customer sees realistic delivery timelines based on information such as your transport schedule. You can eliminate errors often seen with manual delivery scheduling this way.

2. Increased Efficiency

Improved communication is one of the best ways to increase the efficiency of your business and boost the productivity of your employees. Using eCommerce shipping solutions ensures better (and faster) communication between everyone involved in your delivery chain, from manufacturers to retailers to carriers.

As a result, this reduces errors and misunderstandings.

Shipping software helps your business to provide more realistic delivery timelines, making the customers happier. No longer do you have to worry about customers asking where their package is or why it’s late.

3. Adapt to the Future

There’s no doubt that COVID-19 changed eCommerce and retail in general. A 129% year-over-year growth in both Canadian and US eCommerce orders proves that. More consumers are making the switch to eCommerce, and they have certain expectations about shipping.

To provide stellar customer experiences, your business needs to adapt to survive in this new world. You need to understand the customers’ needs.

From the first mile to that last mile, delivery management software helps you optimize and monitor deliveries to provide the best experience possible.

4. Beat the Competition

In this day and age, customers have so many options it’s tough to beat your competition and get through to them. However, a delivery management software solution can help you outpace the competition and win customers over.

From the moment a customer clicks “buy,” our eCommerce shipping management system allows them to book and track their deliveries. We make tracking shipped items simple and reliable.

5. Track Everything With Ecommerce Shipping Software

Our delivery management solutions make it easy to track an order at any moment in the delivery process. Additionally, thanks to real-time insights, it’s easy to spot and overcome any issues that might arise during the delivery process.

We also make it easy to communicate with any stakeholder in the process to reduce headaches, hassles, and questions about the delivery. 

Get Started and Ship Smarter

Now that you know the benefits of eCommerce shipping delivery management software, it’s time to take the next step.

Let ClearDestination be your go-to for unbeatable e-commerce shipping software. We’re a Montreal-based company, and we want to help take your business to the next level. That’s why we’re offering our free ebook, so you can learn invaluable tips for your eCommerce business.

Start shipping smarter with delivery management software. If you have any questions, please contact us and let us know how we can help!

Webinar – The Future of Omnichannel Retail Lies in the Integration of Technology and the Human Experience

Webinar – The Future of Omnichannel Retail Lies in the Integration of Technology and the Human Experience

Webinar “The Future of Omnichannel Retail Lies in the Integration of Technology and the Human Experience”

Hosted by : International Furniture Transportation Logistics Council (IFTLC) 

12:30 EST, Wednesday, May 19

Vincent Gagnon


The rise of e-commerce has forced major retailers to adapt to serve customers on multiple channels. Vincent Gagnon from M2GO will discuss the challenges and opportunities of the omnichannel model. He strongly believes that the future of retailing lies in achieving operational efficiency, profitability and amazing customer experience using the power of technology and the undeniable value of the human experience.

Join M2GO as they discuss how manufacturers, retailers and carriers can transition to hyper interconnected logistics networks to address today’s efficiency and performance challenges.

During this webinar, you’ll learn:

Why traditional networks are no longer viable.

The importance of interconnected supply chain, e-commerce and logistics networks.

The flow of information from order to delivery.

The role of Industry 4.0 : The New Supply Chain. Opportunities and challenges. 

The value of hyper interconnected logistics networks.

Case Study

How M2GO, a large Canadian-based furniture retailer, leveraged the opportunities of the omnichannel model using technology to elevate the human experience, boost operational efficiency and gain an edge from the competition.

This webinar is a must-attend for any stakeholder in the e-commerce sector as well as brick-and-mortar service centers looking to make sense of the next generation of logistics networks.

About the Host

IFTLC’s mission is to act as a resource to those in transportation and logistics functions in order to help them become more engaged, knowledgeable and effective at their jobs. The organization holds a much-anticipated annual conference where all the segments of the logistics industry (retail stores, manufacturers, e-tailers and transportation companies) meet together to share ideas and gain important knowledge on industry topics.

IFTLC Board Members:

Andy Stevens, AIT Worldwide

Christian Lafrance, ClearDestination

Ed Hempel, Offshore Express

Erich Price, Cornerstone Brands

Jeff Sears, City Furniture

Peter Ross, Offshore Express

Rhonda Socol, City Furniture

Russ Matthews, IFTLC

Tony Nuzio, ICC Logistics Services

About the Webinar Speaker

Vincent Gagnon

President and founder
M2GO Furniture

Vincent Gagnon and his team founded M2GO in 2015 in order to introduce Canadian consumers to affordable décor. After graduating in Entrepreneurship and Computer Science at Bishop’s University, he founded a company to address the many challenges his father and grandfather faced with their business in the furniture industry to literally transform how consumers shop for furniture.

For two years in a row, ClearDestination is in the Top 100 Logistics IT Providers

For two years in a row, ClearDestination is in the Top 100 Logistics IT Providers

Once again this year, ClearDestination is proud to be deemed one of Inbound Logistics Top 100 Logistics IT Providers for 2020. Being selected by Inbound Logistics is a testament to ClearDestination’s innovative solutions empowering logistics and supply chain excellence.


“As manufacturers, retailers, shippers, carriers, and 3PLs increase their use of logistics, transportation and supply chain IT, ClearDestination stays flexible and responsive, anticipating customers’ evolving needs.” 

Recent events remind businesses to focus like a laser beam on improving enterprise operations through technology investments.  The challenges are many and are now top of mind.  Improving end-to-end visibility, achieving closer integration with value chain partners, finding efficient sources of transport lift, nailing down chain of custody and sustainability concerns to limit liability, and inventory scalability have clearly become survival issues for many. Inbound Logistics is proud to honor Clear Destination because its solutions address these critical needs and help companies move along the continuum to truly becoming demand-driven enterprises.


Felecia Stratton, Editor, Inbound Logistics



Every April, Inbound Logistics editors recognize 100 logistics IT companies that support and enable logistics excellence. Drawn from a pool of more than 300 companies, using questionnaires, personal interviews, and other research, Inbound Logistics selects the Top 100 Logistics IT Providers who are leading the way in 2020. Editors seek to match readers’ fast-changing needs to the capabilities of those companies selected.  All companies selected reflect leadership by answering Inbound Logistics readers’ needs for scalability, simplicity, fast ROI, and ease of implementation.


About Inbound Logistics

Since its inception in 1981, Inbound Logistics’ educational mission is to illustrate the benefits of demand-driven logistics practices, give companies the knowledge to help them match the inbound flow of materials to their demand, and align their business process to support that shift. Inbound Logistics offers real-world examples and decision support to guide businesses to efficiently manage logistics, reduce and speed inventory, and offset rising materials and logistics costs, supporting business scalability and change management across their value chain. More information about demand-driven logistics practices is available at

Webinar April 23 : How to Quickly Implement a Home Delivery Network for your E-commerce Customers

Webinar April 23 : How to Quickly Implement a Home Delivery Network for your E-commerce Customers

April 23rd Webinar

How Manufacturers and Wholesalers Can Quickly Implement a Direct-to consumer Home Delivery Network for their E-commerce Customers

Shifting consumer shopping behaviours and a booming e-commerce market, due to the current global pandemic, are forcing Omni-channel retailers to re-examine their supply chains and logistics delivery networks.

Discover new strategies and solutions that you can implement right away to manage the movement of inventory across huge regions, from the first to the mid to the last mile, to satisfy delivery consolidation, drop shipping and consumer home delivery demands.

During this webinar, you will gain key insights on how to:

Quickly set up an inter-connected logistics delivery network that improves efficiency, provides real-time visibility, and enhances the overall customer experience

Gain control of home delivery needs by integrating your inventory, e-commerce and delivery logistics into one platform

Implement an inter-connected delivery management platform that allows you book, route, ship, consolidate and deliver big, bulky and specialty products to consumers across Canada or USA

During this webinar, you will gain key insights on how to:

Quickly set up an inter-connected logistics delivery network that improves efficiency, provides real-time visibility, and enhances the overall customer experience

Gain control of home delivery needs by integrating your inventory, e-commerce and delivery logistics into one platform

Implement an inter-connected delivery management platform that allows you book, route, ship, consolidate and deliver big, bulky and specialty products to consumers across Canada or USA

This webinar is a must-watch for any manufacturer, wholesaler, Omni-channel retailer or carrier that is confronted with the challenges of today’s new consumer reality and looking for intelligent technology solutions to resolve them.

Clear Destination supports the transportation and delivery industry

Clear Destination supports the transportation and delivery industry

“Dear Customers and Partners,

Clear Destination is continuing to monitor the spread of the COVID-19 virus around the world. Clear Destination has a business continuity plan in place: since March 16, 2020, all of our employees are working from home and a general travel ban is in place.

While these measures are designed to safeguard the health of our employees, their families, and our business partners during this difficult period, we remain committed to keep Clear Destination’s valued customer network and services up and running at all times.

Supply Chain, Logistics, Transportation and Delivery management remain the critical component to business success and customer engagement. As a pioneer and leader in Logistics Technology, we understand the challenges you are experiencing and the importance our solutions have in your daily business operations.


We remain committed to offering our clients and partners the best services and solutions to automate, streamline and grow their business.


If you have any questions or needs, please contact our support desk or send us an email at:


“Clear Destination supports the transportation and delivery industry”

Christian Lafrance



Chers clients et partenaires,

Clear Destination continue de surveiller la propagation du virus COVID-19 dans le monde. Nous disposons d’un plan de continuité des activités qui a été mis en place depuis le 16 mars 2020. Par exemple, tous nos employés travaillent à domicile et ont une interdiction générale de voyager.


Bien que ces mesures soient conçues pour protéger la santé de nos employés, de leurs familles et de nos partenaires commerciaux pendant cette période difficile, nous restons déterminés à maintenir à tout moment le réseau et les services clients de Clear Destination. Notre structure a été conçue ainsi.

La gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, de la logistique, du transport et de la livraison reste la composante essentielle du succès commercial et de l’engagement des clients. En tant que pionnier et leader de la technologie logistique, nous comprenons les défis que vous rencontrez et l’importance de nos solutions dans vos opérations commerciales quotidiennes.

Nous restons déterminés à offrir à nos clients et partenaires les meilleurs services et solutions pour automatiser, rationaliser et développer leur entreprise.

Si vous avez des questions ou des besoins, veuillez contacter notre service d’assistance ou envoyez-nous un e-mail à:


“Clear Destination supporte l’industrie du transport et de la livraison.”

Christian Lafrance
